- Work with the Pastor, Faith Formation, and Administrative Board to set the annual worship calendar (number, times, and types of services)
- Recruit, organize, and train help for Sunday worship:
- Ushers
- Liturgists/Advent readers
- Children’s Message presenters
- Communion servers
- Set out and care for appropriate altar cloth; set out banners/signage in yard
- Organize flower donations and clean up altar flowers after services
- Assure that candles and envelopes are available; print pew cards, brochures, or other materials when needed
- Stock worship activity bags
- Organize monthly Communion: order supplies, select servers, prepare and clean up
- Decorate the church for Advent/Christmas/Easter (i.e. Hanging of the Greens, Easter Flowers)
- Work with the pastor to identify, support, and evaluate pulpit supply providers
- Determine annual Worship budget
- Support the technical team to ensure an effective Zoom worship experience
Music Responsibilities:
- Support the Chancel Choir and Bell Choir
- Organize the annual Blair-Bigler-Perry Concert
- Organize summer music program; assist in recruiting summer organist(s)
- Oversee maintenance of organ, pianos, bells, printed music, robes, etc.
- Assist the Administrative Board in the evaluation of music staff
Sub-groups overseen by Worship Team:
- One Worship team member will organize and train at least one usher for each service.
- Ushers will set out offering plates, light candles, pass out programs, pass the handheld mic during Celebrations & Concerns, ring the church bell three times before and five times after worship, run the lights, doors, and any other comfort in the sanctuary, and generally promote warmth of feeling and/or orderliness among the worshipers.
- Ushers will pick up the week’s pledge mail from the Counter’s mailbox and put it in the collection plate. During the Doxology, the Usher will bring the collection plate(s) to the front of the sanctuary for the prayer of dedication.
- The Usher takes attendance of those in Worship, Zoom boxes, and children who attend the Children’s Moment and/or Sunday School. This information is recorded on an attendance slip and placed in the collection plate.
Sanctuary Steward
- At least one person who is part of the Worship team fills this role, and others may be recruited as needed.
- Before worship, the Sanctuary Steward makes sure pews are aligned and properly spaced and that each holds three hymnals, one Bible, 2 offering envelopes, a pew card, and a pencil. The Steward also checks for any items left in the pews from the previous use.
- The Sanctuary Steward also stamps extra offering envelopes and puts a supply in the rack in the back of the sanctuary.
Altar Flower Committee
- The Flower Chairperson serves a one-year term without term limits and may recruit assistants as needed.
- This Committee’s responsibility is to provide altar flowers for weekly worship services and order flowers & plants for Easter and Advent/Christmas.
- Anyone can donate money toward the Flower Fund and dedicate flowers and plants and request the gift be in honor or memory of someone. The Committee maintains a separate bank account for receipts and expenditures.
- If no one signs up to donate flowers in a given week, there are several silk flower arrangements in the church that can be used.
- Flower sponsors can take the flowers home after worship or request they be given to someone who would appreciate them.
- One member of the Worship team will recruit liturgists for each regular service.
- Liturgists may be anyone who is old enough to read and who can speak clearly enough to lead congregants through the opening part of the service. Liturgists may bring parents or others to help them or may share their duties.
- Liturgists read the Call to Worship, Opening Prayer and Lord’s Prayer, and Bible readings.
- A list of readings is sent to liturgists by the Church Secretary during the week before worship so they can practice reading. The remainder of the readings will be provided the Friday before worship as a part of the bulletin.
- During Advent, the Worship team will identify additional families or small groups of at least two people to light the Advent candle and read a short passage at the start of worship.
Communion servers
- A member of the Worship team will recruit communion servers for the first Sunday of every month. This member will also buy juice, bread, and make sure that disposable communion cups are stocked.
- Serving trays, cups, and linens are stored in the lower cabinet to the right of the ovens in the kitchen.
- For each communion service, servers will prepare 50 cups of juice (one sleeve of disposable cups) and bread cubes in two trays. If the choir is in session, split their portion into a third tray. A small round loaf of bread and a little juice is needed for the Pastor's plate and cup.
- Use the large woven cloth to cover the communion table, and the smaller napkins to cover the cup and loaf. The bread cubes and loaf are placed on the organ side of the table and the juice and cup are placed on the choir side.
- After service, clean and dry thoroughly all serving plates and linens. Note that the cup serving trays have removable bottoms and must be matched up with the correct tops to fit.