Children’s Sunday School
- Advise/set program goals with Faith Formation Coordinator
- Find Sunday School teachers and floaters and ensure they are properly trained
- Choose and order curriculum
- Order Bibles for elementary children
- Order church school crafts and supplies
High School and Middle School Youth Group
- Meet on a regular schedule, once or twice a month
- Youth groups connect with other congregations
- Confirmation class with adult mentors from the church
- Heifer Project Trip
- Statewide and National Youth conferences
Special Youth Worship Opportunities
- Kick-off September Sunday School picnic
- Christmas Pageant
- Children’s Sunday and Teacher Recognition Sunday
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Vacation Bible School
Adult Faith Formation
- Small group book studies and DVD discussion series
- Develop ways to educate members and newcomers about our faith and practices ∙ Lenten study with area churches
- Financial Peace University class for church members and community
- Meditation group
- Choose and order Adult Curriculum
- Formulate plans for the spiritual welfare of the congregation